RESPECT Care Teaching

Elevate Program

RESPECT Care Teaching exists to bring awareness to what it takes to treat each and every child with respect and to teach children to do the same to each other.

This can be done through environmental set up, behavior and classroom management,
adult child interactions, the overall climate of your classrooms / facilities,
and deep reflection of who you are as a care teacher.

The Elevate program is designed to offer 1:1 or small group consultation to care teachers in both home and center based programs who are on 2nd provisional licenses, care teaching teams, administrators, parents, and anyone else who wants to learn more about working with the children around them.

Step 1: Decide which type of consulting you are interested in

Step 2: Decide what format / package you prefer

Step 3: Decide on your payment plan

Each package is designed to be 4 weeks long as described in step 2.

Blocks of time can be purchased for $100/hr to add on to any of the above packages
or to create your own customized package.

Additional fees may apply for in person consultation in locations beyond
a 30 mile radius from Grand Rapids, MI.

What other people are saying...

Julie Sizemore is a wealth of early childhood-developmental information! While finishing her masters many years ago Julie worked with students in my kindergarten classroom.

Anything I asked about to help support students, she knew exactly how to focus in on those needs. She knew what questions to ask the parents regarding the child’s early development. Julie would then observe students in their play and learning. From this she was able to give me so many helpful suggestions from physical activities for motor development to cognitive strategies to create a better scope of learning for them.

Over the years I have continued to reach out to Julie for tips and information. Each time she shares her vast knowledge about children so generously. Julie always makes me feel better for asking and validates my concerns.

I am truly grateful for her help over the years.

JulieAnn ~ Kindergarten Teacher~ 29 years

I want to say that being a part of the RCT Community, for the past 4 plus years, has been one of the most amazing and fulfilling experiences in my 24 years of working in the Early Childhood field.

The knowledge that I have learned from Julie Sizemore and my peers, is more valuable to me than any college classes I have ever taken before. Julie has built a community where all people's ideas are welcomed, respected, and critical thinking is highly encouraged and utilized.

Everyone in our community comes with a wide range of ECE knowledge and skills, and works with different age groups from infants to school age children. Therefore; these amazing women have different experiences to bring to the learning community as a whole.

I have grown so much during these past years due to Julie's unique style of teaching. I have learned to value intentional teaching more at work because Julie has taught me that children learn more deeply and are more engaged in the learning process, when I make learning more meaningful.

I also learned how important and vital self-care is in this field and how often I should practice it. These are just a few things that I have learned and put into practice in my classroom which has been a true game changer in my life.

Thank you Julie for your passion you bring to our classroom. Thank you for your personal experiences that you share with us, they have been so impactful and meaningful. You're always there to help guide, coach and cheer us on. I couldn't ask for a more dedicated person than you.

Kelly~Preschool Teacher~ 24 years

Julie is one of those rare Early Childhood Educators who becomes more curious when children have challenging behaviors or special needs.   Having worked closely with her for many years at GRCC I witnessed first hand her innate ability to elevate each child.  Capturing their strengths, planning and implementing experiences to encourage  development.

Her skill set of researching, observing, engaging and partnering with all stakeholders is impressive and has had excellent results.

JaneAnn Benson~Early Childhood Ally

I thoroughly enjoyed this training because it contained a lot of new information I had never heard about.

She truly loves children and is seeking to provide opportunities for them to be the best they can be!

(Feedback from a training participant Spring 2024)

Thank you for allowing me to become better as a person and bringing up these topics to get my brain really thinking about what is being asked. I truly believe you helped me become a more considering yet respectful individual. I look to now help others get to the point that I am at now.

(Feedback from a student May 2024)

Just wanted to let you know that your help was tremendously helpful to us and helped us get over a hump with her. You helped us figure out how to make going to the potty not such a power struggle and the idea to give frequent reminders with a timer was super helpful. She's going to kindergarten soon and I feel very comfortable with her managing toileting at school. We're grateful!

(parent of a preschool child struggling with toilet learning)

I highly recommend Julie Sizemore as a consultant in early childhood, especially in the areas of behavior, environment, and adult-child interactions.

I am also in the field of early childhood, as a center-based mental health consultant. I observe classrooms and work with teachers on expanding social-emotional development of the students, among many other things.

Julie has been an incredible person to work alongside with in her infant-toddler classroom. Her M.Ed in Special Education has equipped her with the education and tools to inform her work from a disability-justice lens, whether it’s creating a sensory-informed classroom; utilizing nature & the environment as learning tools; establishing individualized routines for children who need it; and working with the child’s strengths as opposed to fitting them into a mold.

Julie is someone who knows how to think outside of the box to adapt to the needs of the children and classroom, and develop environments with healthy attachments & positive adult-child and peer interactions.

I would fully trust Julie to put her passion and expertise to use in any classroom looking for additional strategies, and as a fierce advocate for all students.

Jessica Krebs ~ KEEP Consultant, Arbor Circle